
A lesson from Washington, DC

Dear Friends,

We have had a splendid day: safe, educational and fun, yet holding important lessons as well.

Today, among other things, we went to Arlington National Cemetery and visited the memorial to John F. Kennedy, our 35th President. Arlington is a very special place for me. I find its hallowed grounds a place of reverence, awe and wonder at the bravery and sacrifice of those who have built this great nation, and the incredible blessings we receive simply by merit of being born in this time and this place.

Kennedy led our nation during a time of fear and hope: Fear of the military might of the Soviet Union and the possiblity of nuclear annihilation, yet hope that our own recent military victories and economic might would protect us. He was a powerful orator who had a vision for our nation, a vision of service. In his First Innagural Address in January, 1961, Kennedy said, "My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country."

Kennedy called us not work only for our own needs and desires, but to work and sacrifice for the needs and desires of others as well.

The men and women buried at Arlington made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom and welfare. As is inscribed at the Korean War Memorial: "Freedom is not free." Let us all remember and be truly grateful for the work and sacrifices of those, in uniform and not, who ensure our own peace, security and well being. Thank a veteran or soldier for their service. Thank a policeman or fireman and tell them you appreciate their work. Thank your mom and dad and tell them you love them. Say a prayer, thanking God for his many blessings, and tell him you love him.

Mr. Harvey

PS: To our dear parents and Mrs. Moody, THANK YOU for your work and dedication to send us here. We appreciate your efforts and we love you all.

1 comment:

  1. We truly love reading your blog. Cassie makes sure that we read it every evening. She can hardly wait to go there when she is older! I hope it is the trip of a lifetime. Thank you so much for taking the time to let all of us here at home see what you are experiencing there. Cassie asked me to say a BIG hello to Mr. Harvey.

    Take care,

