

The fundraising is going great with only five days to go! We have done three Fridays of pizza days each fetching in about $125 each. We did a movie night which gained about $300. Fruit sales pulled in about $1100 which was the best fundraiser by far out of all of our activities. Our chocolate sales fetched around $900 which was spread over about 20 hours! All in all the fundraising helped to bring in about $3500! The fundraising was set up and run by Greg Van Patten and Mrs. Miller and they did a great job! The fundraising in general was even better than last time by $1000! One person even donated $50 in the candy sales! The money helped to lower everyone’s fee by about $200. We all did a great job!
We had lots of fun selling chocolate and met lots of interesting people. There were many people who were "allergic" to chocolate, but several of them were generous enough to give us money without buying chocolate. One person gave us $50 without buying any chocolate.

-Mathias Van Patten and Talbot Miller

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